Most Common Marathon Training Injuries
Marathon season is accompanied by one constant question: “Is this normal?”
Pain: no. Discomfort: yes. Losing your period: no. Taper anxiety: yes.
But what happens when “normal” gets confused for “common”? Red flags get dismissed, potentially dangerous behavior gets repeated (sometimes encouraged), and small problems get blown out of proportion. While the injuries listed below are common, that does not mean they should be ignored. If you recognize the warning signs, talk to a running specialist healthcare provider and/or come see us as soon as possible.
A Runner’s Guide to Training Sessions
Whether you’re new to the sport, or have been running for a number of years, you may find yourself overwhelmed with the various types of training that is out there. Long run, tempo run, VO2 max run, etc. What’s the difference, and when/how do I decide to utilize any of these sessions in my training regimen? Well this blog will act as a guide for you.
Running Injuries: What to Know
“XYZ just started hurting! It doesn’t make any sense! I didn’t go up in mileage this week or have any harder than usual workouts!”
Does this sound familiar?
Is Artificial Intelligence Ready for Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation?
In this blog, I explore the potential that artificial intelligence has in the world of physical therapy and musculoskeletal rehabilitation.
Pain: The Most Poorly Treated Experience in Healthcare
With all of the misinformation out on the internet, this article aims to shed some light on the realities of the pain experience.
What is Evidence-Based Practice, and Why Is It Important?
Find out if your provider is practicing in a professional and ethical manner
What is Therapeutic Alliance?
The relationship between a healthcare provider and a patient continues to become more and more overlooked in today’s healthcare system.
The Future of Healthcare, Better Late Than Never
It all begins with an idea. Here’s how Healthcare 3.0 can help.
Never Be Afraid to Do What’s Right
There are many lessons to learn from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. This is just one as it relates to my experience with our current healthcare system.
Healthcare 2.0 Is Broken
Discover the reasons why our current U.S. healthcare system is failing its people.