Strength 4 Runners Classes

Why Choose the Strength 4 Runners Classes?

  • Runner's Specialized Design

    All group sessions are specifically designed to help you improve your performance as a runner, as you will notice improvements in your running speed and running economy.

  • Injury Prevention

    Time and time again, research has shown that the best tools we have to prevent running related injuries is strength training and plyometrics. These small group sessions will utilize these training methods to not only help you perform better, but also stay injury-free!

  • Intimate Size

    The class sizes (up to 4 people) will allow you to get the same personalized coaching as you would in a traditional one-on-one setting, along with the chance to meet new people on the same journey as you and have support from a team along with the instructor.

  • Cost-Efficiency

    Traditional personal training costs upwards of $100+ per hour in Houston. It also requires you to be locked into one trainer and has much less flexibility. With teammates by your side in each session, you'll get better results at a fraction of the cost.

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Click the link below to complete a 2 minute survey, and a healthcare practitioner will send you a Letter of Medical Necessity to approve your usage of your HSA/FSA account.